Programs and Activities

  • The company is focusing on many different segments of society. One of which are orphan boys and orphan girls. Many programs were done to help the orphan boys and girls. For example, giving them food, goody bags, stationery etc. The Events for Development is also now working on getting school books for them. Photos attached.
  • The other minority group are the slum children and the Events for Development is working with the slum children to provide them whatever they need in terms of stationery, school books, food, etc. Photos attached.
  • In order to tackle climate change issues, the Events for Development is also helping communities to plant trees. As trees grow, they help stop climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the air, storing carbon in the trees and soil, and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. Trees also provide many benefits to us, every day. They offer cooling shade, block cold winter winds, attract birds and wildlife, purify our air, prevent soil erosion, clean our water, and add grace and beauty to our homes and communities.
  • Another most important work is starting the work on Empowering Youth for Sustainable Futures: Eco-Schools Program in Bangladesh. In a world facing unprecedented environmental challenges, the importance of fostering environmental consciousness among the younger generation cannot be overstated. Bangladesh, a country particularly vulnerable to climate change and environmental degradation, is in need of proactive initiatives to address these pressing issues. The Eco-Schools Program, a globally recognized initiative, will offer a comprehensive framework for integrating environmental education and sustainable practices within the educational system. The Eco-Schools Program is a holistic and participatory approach to environmental education that empowers students to take an active role in promoting sustainability in their schools and communities. It will follow a structured Seven Step Framework, guided by the Foundation for Environmental Education’s (FEE) principles for environmental education and sustainable development. This program encourages students, teachers, and local communities to work collaboratively toward greener, more sustainable schools.
  • Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) Program in Bangladesh is another initiative of the company. The Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) Program in Bangladesh is an initiative aimed at engaging and empowering young individuals to become active participants in addressing local environmental issues. Coordinated by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), this program encourages youth to investigate, report, and advocate for solutions to environmental challenges in their communities.
  • In addition, the company also plans to work on Early Childhood Development (ECD). Research in the neurosciences has shown that the early childhood period which ranges from conception to the age of eight is critical for human development because it sets the foundation for all future learning, behavior and health. Through its ECD programming, the company will seek to improve the quality of and access to ECD services for disadvantaged children and their families by improving the capacity of both civil society and government actors to deliver these services.
  • Promoting pluralism: Encourage pluralist values among Bangladeshi children (3-8 years) to prevent conflict and exclusion through the development and use of children’s storybooks in early years settings.
  • The company will also work to increase knowledge, awareness and competencies in the area of gender equality. Provide training and increase knowledge and competencies among participating organizations / institutions, in the area of gender equality.
  • Using Recycle items: The world population is growing, not shrinking, and currently, each human being adds significant waste to the planet over his or her lifetime. And recycling is one of the best ways for humanity to have a positive impact on the world in which we live. Recycling is very important in today’s world if we want to leave this planet for our future generations! The Events for Development plan to do trainings and workshops to teach the importance of using recycled items for conserving resources, saving energy, etc.
  • Research and Development: The Company will get involved in research and development to learn new knowledge and innovation, by which the foundation can help different segments of society for their own development.
  • The company will also organize different programs, events, trainings etc on different topics.
    The company will try to involve the Youth for most of the activities as this will empower them and keep them active and involved. At the same time, it will also increase their knowledge and experience.